FREE VIRTUAL HEALTH BIZ RETREAT ­– 2021, March 1 – March 5

The Health Coaching BizSHIFT

Transform your health or life coaching business to attract your soulmate clients, make you money and leave your mark in this world.

– specifically designed for naturopaths, health & personal development coaches –

You. Are. In.


The Health Coaching BizSHIFT


Welcome – I’m so happy you decided to invest in yourself and your business!

Want instant support in your phone when writing your next email, working on your marketing strategy or simply mix and match the interviews to your likes?

AND give a girl in Africa a chance to get an education?

Because I believe so strongly that The Health Coaching BizSHIFT offers so much valuable advice to bring your health coaching business to the next level, I want to offer you a resource that will make taking advantage of it all a piece of cake…
(because I know, how life gets in the way)

  • Love ANYTIME access – (7am after your morning routine of hot lemon water & yoga but before getting in serving-mode?) – Use your silent time to work on your business and make your business easier and still create the impact you want.

  • Know you might miss an interview or two but also know you don’t want to miss out on these experts’ exclusive and effective tools (or their amazing free gifts!)?

  • Feel that learning and growing should be easy as you got the taste of podcasts – doubling your time whilst walking to keep your sanity or running errands?

Then you should know about The Health Coaching BizSHIFT Collection!

Listen to every speaker (as many times as you want or need!) whenever & wherever you want — and have access to it the instant you need a spark of inspiration, an idea, or tool for your next email, lead magnet, social post or website. Or when you need to get your head put on straight again 😉

Every dollar goes to 

Is on a mission to change the fact, that 130 million girls around the world are denied an education.

Why am I offering this?

As an entrepreneur and believer in life-long learning I tend to get absolutely excited about options to learn something new. But I also get completely stressed, when I feel that I don’t have enough time to do things properly.

And as much as I’d love to have you there every day of the summit, instantly listening to the speakers, I know how life and business work.

But I created The Health Coaching BizSHIFT to help YOU.

Instead of putting more pressure on you or pushing the scarcity moment to make you watch all the interviews or “you’ll miss your chance of taking your business to the next level…”, I’d give you the chance to listen to them in your own time.

I know, that if you even employ one of the strategies you will learn about in the interviews, you can grow in leaps and bounds this year. Or minimize your risk because you finally understand that GDPR is manageable. And finally have that business that is aligned with you.

(I promise, more than one speaker put a permission slip out on this one ;-) )

And there is a big chance, that one of these convos will make a big difference for you.

Pick a few you really want to attend and you’ll have the rest to listen to whenever you need some more inspiration or advice.

Your Health Coaching BizSHIFT Collection ALSO helps a girl in Africa create a life for herself.

Because it’s not okay that a girl in Sierra Leone is more likely to be married before the age of 18 than she is to finish high school – and only 16% of girls ever complete high school. 

In the hustle of daily life and chores, we often forget how privileged we are. Being born where we are born and having the change to decide what we want for our life.

Ever since I started working (as a waitress being 16 years old) I donated a part of my earnings to charity for Africa.

I’d read a book about a young woman dedicating a year of her life to help people in a remote area and it had a deep impact on me.

This is why I picked ONE GIRL to be the charity to receive the money from the upgrades.

I believe that the biggest impact lies in teaching and empowering people – only then they can change their circumstance.

Only if we give girls a chance to create a life of happiness to them, they can pass this on.

It will have a ripple effect and every single girl counts.

According to ONE GIRL the income of a girl will increase by 10–25% for every year she stays in school. She’ll get married when she chooses to, be able to think for herself, have control over her own income, and break the cycle of poverty.

This is the long-lasting chance we need!

This is what you can expect from The Health Coaching BizSHIFT Collection:

  • Unlimited access to the interviews – every single interview is yours to keep. Learn about the best strategies to take your business to the next level in your own time – on a walk, in the car or preparing dinner. Also get the chance to go back and uncover that level deeper, that you did not catch the first time…

  • Bonus Class with me (Your Host Christiane Mohr) – exclusively for upgrade participants. A live masterclass for you to ask me ALL your niching and marketing strategy questions!

  • Workbook “The Website That Reflects YOU”

Once the event starts on March 1st, the package will be € 57. But for now, it’s just € 27 – you save € 30!

Know this: many of our experts charge € 400 or more for an hour of their time. You’re getting exclusive access to their knowledge and strategies that have worked for them and their businesses.

All interviews are available free of charge for 48 hours.

After that, the ONLY way you can get access to all the wisdom, inspiration, strategies and tools from all the speakers is to grab The Health Coaching BizSHIFT Collection.

So, if you want to make the most out of this virtual Health Biz retreat, take your business to “deep impact” level and support a girl in Africa, here’s your chance…

I’m stoked to have you here…

… and can’t wait for all the a-ha moments awaiting you!

Keep moving

Days left for Early Bird Price

P.S. Your business doesn’t have to feel hard.

Because guess what?

If your business weighs heavy on your shoulders, you are hoping for the bill-fairy or worst ask yourself, why you even started your business, it’s time to take a good long look at your foundation and strategy.

Building a business that feels aligned and easy going has a lot to do with how you set your business up, starting with your foundation, defining your strategy and finally implementing it.

I’ve called in experts on every aspect. People who’s approach and work I admire. People who can help you do just that.

So, I hope you grasp this opportunity, because it might be one of the best decisions you make for your business this year.

Upgrade to The Health Coaching BizSHIFT Collection Now!